在 Yii 2.0 中,基于映射过滤条件关键字以构建方法。新增特定条件构建器(fis)的实现,以支持 MySQL FIND_IN_SET() 函数

1、在 Postman 中打开网址:http://api.pcs-api.localhost/v1/plans/have?login_id=2e368664c41b8bf511bcc9c65d86dbc3&login_tid=f347ba5bb18cb3fbef94c0b37c796bf5&filter[and][0][or][0][title][like]=深圳市&filter[status][neq]=0&filter[and][0][or][1][keyword]=关键字 ,如图1




    [filter] => Array
            [and] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [or] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [title] => Array
                                                    [like] => 深圳市


                                    [1] => Array
                                            [keyword] => 关键字




            [status] => Array
                    [neq] => 0




    [0] => AND
    [1] => Array
            [0] => AND
            [1] => Array
                    [0] => OR
                    [1] => Array
                            [0] => LIKE
                            [1] => {{%plan}}.[[title]]
                            [2] => 深圳市

                    [2] => Array
                            [{{%plan}}.[[keyword]]] => 关键字



    [2] => Array
            [0] => !=
            [1] => {{%plan}}.[[status]]
            [2] => 0


4、最终生成的 SQL 如下,如图2


SELECT `pa_plan`.* FROM `pa_plan` WHERE (((`pa_plan`.`title` LIKE '%深圳市%') OR (`pa_plan`.`keyword`='关键字')) AND (`pa_plan`.`status` != '0')) GROUP BY `pa_plan`.`id` ORDER BY `pa_plan`.`id` DESC LIMIT 20

5、现在的需求是,字段 keyword,关键字,多个用,号隔开,需要精准匹配,而不是模糊匹配,更不是等于。如图3


6、打开网址:https://www.yiiframework.com/doc/api/2.0/yii-data-activedatafilter#$conditionBuilders-detail ,基于映射过滤条件关键字以构建方法。 buildCondition() 使用这些方法来构建实际的过滤条件。可以使用 PHP 回调指定特定条件构建器的实现,如图4


7、复制 \vendor\yiisoft\yii2\data\ActiveDataFilter.php 至 \common\components\data\ActiveDataFilter.php,编辑,以支持 MySQL FIND_IN_SET() 函数

 * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
 * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
namespace common\components\data;

 * ActiveDataFilter allows composing a filtering condition in a format suitable for [[\yii\db\QueryInterface::where()]].
 * @see DataFilter
 * @author Qiang Wang <shuijingwanwq@163.com>
 * @since 1.0
 */class ActiveDataFilter extends \yii\data\ActiveDataFilter
     * @var array keywords or expressions that could be used in a filter.
     * Array keys are the expressions used in raw filter value obtained from user request.
     * Array values are internal build keys used in this class methods.
     * Any unspecified keyword will not be recognized as a filter control and will be treated as
     * an attribute name. Thus you should avoid conflicts between control keywords and attribute names.
     * For example: in case you have control keyword 'like' and an attribute named 'like', specifying condition
     * for such attribute will be impossible.
     * You may specify several keywords for the same filter build key, creating multiple aliases. For example:
     * ```php
     * [
     *     'eq' => '=',
     *     '=' => '=',
     *     '==' => '=',
     *     '===' => '=',
     *     // ...
     * ]
     * ```
     * > Note: while specifying filter controls take actual data exchange format, which your API uses, in mind.
     * > Make sure each specified control keyword is valid for the format. For example, in XML tag name can start
     * > only with a letter character, thus controls like `>`, '=' or `$gt` will break the XML schema.
     */    public $filterControls = [
        'and' => 'AND',
        'or' => 'OR',
        'not' => 'NOT',
        'lt' => '<',
        'gt' => '>',
        'lte' => '<=',
        'gte' => '>=',
        'eq' => '=',
        'neq' => '!=',
        'in' => 'IN',
        'nin' => 'NOT IN',
        'like' => 'LIKE',
        'fis' => 'FIND_IN_SET',
     * @var array maps filter condition keywords to validation methods.
     * These methods are used by [[validateCondition()]] to validate raw filter conditions.
     */    public $conditionValidators = [
        'AND' => 'validateConjunctionCondition',
        'OR' => 'validateConjunctionCondition',
        'NOT' => 'validateBlockCondition',
        '<' => 'validateOperatorCondition',
        '>' => 'validateOperatorCondition',
        '<=' => 'validateOperatorCondition',
        '>=' => 'validateOperatorCondition',
        '=' => 'validateOperatorCondition',
        '!=' => 'validateOperatorCondition',
        'IN' => 'validateOperatorCondition',
        'NOT IN' => 'validateOperatorCondition',
        'LIKE' => 'validateOperatorCondition',
        'FIND_IN_SET' => 'validateOperatorCondition',
     * @var array specifies the list of supported search attribute types per each operator.
     * This field should be in format: 'operatorKeyword' => ['type1', 'type2' ...].
     * Supported types list can be specified as `*`, which indicates that operator supports all types available.
     * Any unspecified keyword will not be considered as a valid operator.
     */    public $operatorTypes = [
        '<' => [self::TYPE_INTEGER, self::TYPE_FLOAT, self::TYPE_DATETIME, self::TYPE_DATE, self::TYPE_TIME],
        '>' => [self::TYPE_INTEGER, self::TYPE_FLOAT, self::TYPE_DATETIME, self::TYPE_DATE, self::TYPE_TIME],
        '<=' => [self::TYPE_INTEGER, self::TYPE_FLOAT, self::TYPE_DATETIME, self::TYPE_DATE, self::TYPE_TIME],
        '>=' => [self::TYPE_INTEGER, self::TYPE_FLOAT, self::TYPE_DATETIME, self::TYPE_DATE, self::TYPE_TIME],
        '=' => '*',
        '!=' => '*',
        'IN' => '*',
        'NOT IN' => '*',
        'LIKE' => [self::TYPE_STRING],
        'FIND_IN_SET' => [self::TYPE_STRING],
     * @var array maps filtering condition keywords to build methods.
     * These methods are used by [[buildCondition()]] to build the actual filtering conditions.
     * Particular condition builder can be specified using a PHP callback. For example:
     * ```php
     * [
     *     'XOR' => function (string $operator, mixed $condition) {
     *         //return array;
     *     },
     *     'LIKE' => function (string $operator, mixed $condition, string $attribute) {
     *         //return array;
     *     },
     * ]
     * ```
     */    public $conditionBuilders = [
        'AND' => 'buildConjunctionCondition',
        'OR' => 'buildConjunctionCondition',
        'NOT' => 'buildBlockCondition',
        '<' => 'buildOperatorCondition',
        '>' => 'buildOperatorCondition',
        '<=' => 'buildOperatorCondition',
        '>=' => 'buildOperatorCondition',
        '=' => 'buildOperatorCondition',
        '!=' => 'buildOperatorCondition',
        'IN' => 'buildOperatorCondition',
        'NOT IN' => 'buildOperatorCondition',
        'LIKE' => 'buildOperatorCondition',
        'FIND_IN_SET' => 'buildFindInSetCondition',

     * Builds an findInSet condition.
     * @param string $operator operator keyword.
     * @param mixed $condition attribute condition.
     * @param string $attribute attribute name.
     * @return string actual condition.
     */    protected function buildFindInSetCondition($operator, $condition, $attribute)
        if (isset($this->queryOperatorMap[$operator])) {
            $operator = $this->queryOperatorMap[$operator];
        return "" . $operator . "('" . $this->filterAttributeValue($attribute, $condition) . "', " . $attribute . ")";

8、编辑 \api\rests\plan\HaveAction.php,以支持字段 keyword 的过滤

    public $dataFilter = [
        'class' => 'common\components\data\ActiveDataFilter',
        'searchModel' => 'api\models\PlanSearch',
        'attributeMap' => [
            'created_at' => '{{%plan}}.[[created_at]]',
            'status' => '{{%plan}}.[[status]]',
            'title' => '{{%plan}}.[[title]]',
            'keyword' => '{{%plan}}.[[keyword]]',

9、在 Postman 中打开网址:http://api.pcs-api.localhost/v1/plans/have?login_id=2e368664c41b8bf511bcc9c65d86dbc3&login_tid=f347ba5bb18cb3fbef94c0b37c796bf5&filter[and][0][or][0][title][like]=深圳市2&filter[status][neq]=0&filter[and][0][or][1][keyword][fis]=关键字3 ,如图5



10、最终生成的 SQL 如下,符合预期,如图6


SELECT `pa_plan`.* FROM `pa_plan` WHERE (((`pa_plan`.`title` LIKE '%深圳市2%') OR (FIND_IN_SET('关键字3', `pa_plan`.`keyword`))) AND (`pa_plan`.`status` != '0')) GROUP BY `pa_plan`.`id` ORDER BY `pa_plan`.`id` DESC LIMIT 20