lerna ERR! yarn run prod exited 1 in ‘@theme/object’ error Command failed with exit code 1.

1、lerna ERR! yarn run prod exited 1 in ‘@theme/object’ error Command failed with exit code 1.。如图1


$ E:\wwwroot\object\node_modules\.bin\lerna run --scope @theme/object prod
lerna notice cli v5.1.8
lerna info versioning independent
lerna notice filter including "@theme/object"
lerna info filter [ '@theme/object' ]
lerna info Executing command in 1 package: "yarn run prod"
@theme/object: $ mix --production
@theme/object: i Compiling Mix
@theme/object: √ Mix: Compiled with some errors in 2.41m
@theme/object: ERROR in E:\wwwroot\object\packages\types\index.ts
@theme/object: 8:8-16
@theme/object: [tsl] ERROR in E:\wwwroot\object\packages\types\index.ts(8,9)
@theme/object:       TS2451: Cannot redeclare block-scoped variable '__data__'.
@theme/object: ERROR in E:\wwwroot\object\packages\types\index.ts
@theme/object: 13:8-17
@theme/object: [tsl] ERROR in E:\wwwroot\object\packages\types\index.ts(13,9)
@theme/object:       TS2451: Cannot redeclare block-scoped variable '__asset__'.
@theme/object: webpack compiled with 2 errors
@theme/object: error Command failed with exit code 1.
@theme/object: info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.
lerna ERR! yarn run prod exited 1 in '@theme/object'
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.
Done in 573.86s.

2、决定删除掉目录:node_modules ,重新执行 yarn、yarn prod 命令。
