Yii 2 高级项目模板,国际化的消息翻译服务的 Bug (当目标语言为美国英语,文件映射的类别名为:app 时,未被映射到 PHP 文件 @app/messages/en-US/app.php) 的分析解决
1、i18n 应用组件的配置代码如下:
'components' => [ 'i18n' => [ 'translations' => [ 'model/*' => [ 'class' => 'yii\i18n\PhpMessageSource', 'forceTranslation' => true, 'basePath' => '@common/messages', ], '*' => [ 'class' => 'yii\i18n\PhpMessageSource', 'forceTranslation' => true, 'basePath' => '@app/messages', 'fileMap' => [ 'app' => 'app.php', 'error' => 'error.php', 'success' => 'success.php', ], ], ], ], ],
2、在 Postman 中请求接口,Headers 中,Accept-Language:zh-CN,当目标语言为简体中文,文件映射的类别名为:success 时,被映射到 PHP 文件 @app/messages/zh-CN/success.php,如图1
return ['code' => 10000, 'message' => Yii::t('success', '127016'), 'data' => ['items' => array_values($models)]];
3、在 Postman 中请求接口,Headers 中,Accept-Language:zh-CN,当目标语言为简体中文,文件映射的类别名为:app 时,被映射到 PHP 文件 @app/messages/zh-CN/app.php,如图2
$planLog->opinion = Yii::t('app', Yii::t('app', Yii::t('app', 302016), ['accepted_group_name' => $acceptedGroupName, 'accepted_user_nick' => $identity->user_nick]));
4、在 Postman 中请求接口,Headers 中,Accept-Language:en-US,当目标语言为美国英语,文件映射的类别名为:success 时,被映射到 PHP 文件 @app/messages/en-US/success.php,如图3
5、在 Postman 中请求接口,Headers 中,Accept-Language:en-US,当目标语言为美国英语,文件映射的类别名为:app 时,未被映射到 PHP 文件 @app/messages/en-US/app.php,要翻译的信息在语言文件中未找到,会返回原始未翻译的信息,即:302011。如图4
6、编辑 E:\wwwroot\pcs-api\vendor\yiisoft\yii2\i18n\MessageSource.php,当目标语言为简体中文,响应:11, 当目标语言为美国英语,响应:21,即当目标语言为美国英语,文件映射的类别名为:app 时,跳过了翻译指定的消息的步骤。如图5、图6
Yii::t('app', '302011'); exit;
public function translate($category, $message, $language) { if ($this->forceTranslation || $language !== $this->sourceLanguage) { echo 1; exit; return $this->translateMessage($category, $message, $language); } echo 2; exit; return false; }
7、当目标语言为美国英语,文件映射的类别名为:app 时,$this->forceTranslation 的值为 false,如图7
public function translate($category, $message, $language) { var_dump($this->forceTranslation); exit; if ($this->forceTranslation || $language !== $this->sourceLanguage) { echo 1; exit; return $this->translateMessage($category, $message, $language); } echo 2; exit; return false; }
8、当目标语言为美国英语,文件映射的类别名为:success 时,$this->forceTranslation 的值为 true,如图8
Yii::t('success', '302011'); exit;
9、查看 \vendor\yiisoft\yii2\i18n\I18N.php,文件映射的类别名:yii、app,始终定义类别 yii 和 app 。前者指的是 Yii 核心中使用的消息框架代码,而后者是指自定义应用程序代码的默认消息类别。其判断类别:app 是否存在,如果不存在,则覆盖,但是,其判断的层级仅为第一级,没有深入至更深的层级,因此,自定义的类别:app 会被覆盖,如图9
/** * @var array list of [[MessageSource]] configurations or objects. The array keys are message * category patterns, and the array values are the corresponding [[MessageSource]] objects or the configurations * for creating the [[MessageSource]] objects. * * The message category patterns can contain the wildcard `*` at the end to match multiple categories with the same prefix. * For example, `app/*` matches both `app/cat1` and `app/cat2`. * * The `*` category pattern will match all categories that do not match any other category patterns. * * This property may be modified on the fly by extensions who want to have their own message sources * registered under their own namespaces. * * The category `yii` and `app` are always defined. The former refers to the messages used in the Yii core * framework code, while the latter refers to the default message category for custom application code. * By default, both of these categories use [[PhpMessageSource]] and the corresponding message files are * stored under `@yii/messages` and `@app/messages`, respectively. * * You may override the configuration of both categories. */ public $translations; /** * Initializes the component by configuring the default message categories. */ public function init() { parent::init(); if (!isset($this->translations['yii']) && !isset($this->translations['yii*'])) { $this->translations['yii'] = [ 'class' => 'yii\i18n\PhpMessageSource', 'sourceLanguage' => 'en-US', 'basePath' => '@yii/messages', ]; } if (!isset($this->translations['app']) && !isset($this->translations['app*'])) { $this->translations['app'] = [ 'class' => 'yii\i18n\PhpMessageSource', 'sourceLanguage' => Yii::$app->sourceLanguage, 'basePath' => '@app/messages', ]; } }
10、解决方案如下,文件映射的类别名:app 调整为 application,被映射到 PHP 文件 application.php,调整 i18n 应用组件的配置代码如下:
'components' => [ 'i18n' => [ 'translations' => [ 'model/*' => [ 'class' => 'yii\i18n\PhpMessageSource', 'forceTranslation' => true, 'basePath' => '@common/messages', ], '*' => [ 'class' => 'yii\i18n\PhpMessageSource', 'forceTranslation' => true, 'basePath' => '@app/messages', 'fileMap' => [ 'application' => 'application.php', 'error' => 'error.php', 'success' => 'success.php', ], ], ], ], ],
11、重命名文件 \common\messages\en-US\app.php 为 \common\messages\en-US\application.php,重命名文件 \common\messages\zh-CN\app.php 为 \common\messages\zh-CN\application.php,重命名文件 \api\messages\en-US\app.php 为 \api\messages\en-US\application.php,重命名文件 \api\messages\zh-CN\app.php 为 \api\messages\zh-CN\application.php。其他应用目录下皆如此操作。将 Yii::t(‘app’, 批量替换为:Yii::t(‘application’, 。如图10

重命名文件 \common\messages\en-US\app.php 为 \common\messages\en-US\application.php,重命名文件 \common\messages\zh-CN\app.php 为 \common\messages\zh-CN\application.php,重命名文件 \api\messages\en-US\app.php 为 \api\messages\en-US\application.php,重命名文件 \api\messages\zh-CN\app.php 为 \api\messages\zh-CN\application.php。其他应用目录下皆如此操作。将 Yii::t(‘app’, 批量替换为:Yii::t(‘application’,
12、当目标语言为美国英语,文件映射的类别名为:application 时,已被映射到 PHP 文件 @app/messages/en-US/application.php,如图11